Friday, February 07, 2020

New, changed or older?

When I wake in the morning I will be starting a new chapter in my life. On one level much will be the same. On another, it will be all new. I am excited. I am nervous. I am a little impatient. If the truth be known, I just want to get back to serving God full time.

I know that I am new. I know that I am changed. And I know that I am older.
But am I wiser?
I hope so. More than this, I pray so.

A Deacon’s Prayer
Come to my assistance my Lord and my God, that I may do for You all that you ask. Strengthen me in adversity and do not let me succumb to my feelings of worthlessness. 
Help me to feel in my heart all that You speak to me, and help me to understand. 
May I be to others what they need: 
a body to work when others cannot; 
a heart to love those who are forgotten; 
a shoulder to console those whose soul is in need; 
a smile to brighten the most somber of Your children; 
a mouth to proclaim Your love. 
Let me be to You, as a brush is to a painter, worthless without You, but capable of transforming the human heart by the power of Your mercy. 
Send me, my Lord if you need me, to touch others as You would touch them, to hold them as You would, to love them as only You can. 
Make my heart like Yours, that I may forgive everything and love beyond my own human frailty. 
Come live within me, that I may die to myself so You may fill my very being. 
Let me serve others as You would serve them, that in doing so I may serve You. 
Do not let me fail, oh Lord, or lead Your people astray. 
Allow me to live in Your presence today, that tomorrow I may die in Your hands and may You raise me one day that I may touch your face and live in Your glory.

Lets just hope the shirt fits!!!

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Oakleigh Anglican Church

Today is my last official day at Oakleigh Anglican Church.
I have enjoyed being at Emmanuel

I have also enjoyed being at Holy Trinity

I am both happy & sad.
I am happy because of all of the wonderful friends I have made.
I am happy to have had the opportunity to serve Jesus.
I am sad to say goodbye...for a while

I am excited for the opportunities that are ahead.

I want to thank the team I have worked with.
Thank you Karina.
Thank you Mish.
Thank you Colleen.

God bless Oakleigh

Saturday, January 25, 2020

New Things

It is January  2020!

Much has changed in my life.
Much has happened.

My boy is now 17
The next Pic is of my love.

Want to know more?
Just ask me!!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Freinds and Family are Vital

In recent days I've received much love from those in my life who are my friends and family. I must say, that I am blessed to have such wonderful people who share their lives and love with me. I shouldnt be surprised that the people who have stuck by my side during some recent trials have been people who have been in my life for many years.

One of the best things that I have realised is that my true friends will go to those places in my life that are in need of work. The thing is these friends go to these place with love and respect. They realise that these areas will take time to change. the best at this whould have to be the one who knows me best and wants the best for me - Jesus.
(Interestingly one couple wanted me  to change ultimatly to not inconvenience  what was the status quo. When this change was not in the appropriate time frame, then their friendship has slowly been withdrawn )

For all of this and more...

I thank my friends.
You know who you are

Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.                                                                 ~Sicilian Proverb


The antidote for fifty enemies is one friend.         ~Aristotle

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.                                                       Oprah Winfrey

Monday, November 26, 2012


Today I had the opportunity to do some study.
It is always worthwhile.

Thursday, January 06, 2011


January the 6th is the Feast of the Epiphany

So what is the EPIPHANY? (apart from a weird word) says
1. A christian festival commemorating the manifestation of the Christ to the Gentiles in the persons of the Magi.

2. An apperance or manifestation, esp of a deity.

3. A sudden, intuitive perceptionof or insight into realityor essential meaning of something, usually initiatied by some simple, homely or commonplace occurance or expereince.

4. a literary work or section of work presenting, usually symbolically, such a moment of revelation or insight.

We all have epiphanies of one sort or another.

What will yours be?

Sunday, January 02, 2011

The King's Speech

Yesterday, Catherine & I saw a wonderful movie. It was "The King's Speech".

It tells the story of King George VI. He never expected to take the throne.He never expected to speak to and for a nation in wartime. Yet he did both of these while overcoming a debilitating stammer.

The movie had nuanced performances from a number of great actors. Colin Firth showed strength, determination and pathos as "Bertie" King George VI. Helena Bonham-Carter was a loving and determined Queen Consort Elizabeth. Geoffrey Rush played Australian speech therapist Lionel Logue. His performance is honest with gentile humour. Other notable faces are Micael Gambon as George V, Guy Pearce as Edward VIII & Derek Jacobi as the Archbishop of Canterbury.

"The King's Speech" has already won a number of awards, and I look forward to seeing how many Oscars it will pick up. From the costumes to the direction this is a beautiful gentle yet strong movie. It shows the real value of truth and friendship

Below is a recording of the real King George VI giving THE speech in 1939. We heard his perseverance and his hesitation all at once. His sense of duty & sacrifice makes his daughter's (called Lilbet by her family) actions more clear.