Sunday, December 02, 2007
Yes, but dont forget
A lot has been said lately about how some salvationist young people are more committed to the cause of Christ than some who are a few years older. This may be true but it is not the case in all circumstances.
In our corps there are folk in their 30's 40's 50's and even 70's who would and have served Jesus with all they are for many long years. They have wisdom and compassion. This seems to only come with time in Jesus presence. Their enthusiasm and passion have NOT been dampened by the passing of years.
I praise our LORD and Saviour God for these wonderful saints.
So dear friends... let us support our young folk, but not at the expense of our faithful ones.
So remember not to make the puppy (or Jesus) sad by being overly youth focused.
Friday, November 16, 2007
This week our family holidayed in Torquay. It was fantastic. I left disillusioned, depressed and disheartened. I return refreshed, recuperated and ready to serve again.
I love my family and it was wonderful to spend time just with them. God has given them to me as a gift and a responsibility. The last fornight i have been able to play, with my georgous son and enjoy my wonderful wife. i am better for it. God is good to me.
I look forward to days ahead, as we move into the advent season.
Jeremiah 31:25 (New International Version)
25 I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint."
PS if you read this post, then let me know.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Lets dream with the Commissioner
Last week at ACC the TC shared his vision for the teritory.
I Have a Dream…That one day…
The Salvation Army will in its entirety, be what God wants it to be…
…that every soldier, young and old would be sanctified through and through…and out of the passion of their love in Christ, would be an undeniable force for God’s love in the world.
…that this love would be seen between each soldier to demonstrate that God has sent His Son into the world not to condemn it, but that the world through Him might be saved…and by this would all people know that we are His followers and represent Him.
…that our love would be seen through intentional and overt acts of mercy and justice, all the while in humility before God, not needing to publish our works, only doing them to glorify God.
…that our mission would have such integrity that every expression of our ministry would be marked not so much by a red shield or even a crest, but by the love of God for people.
…that every corps would embrace the gospel for everyone in their community, not discriminating by culture, language, social status, or age…and that the helping ministries would be woven into the fabric so that even under a nuclear microscope we could not distinguish between spiritual and social.
…that every social programme would be inviting to any one in need to be helped towards eternal affect, still maintaining our resolve to dispense such love indiscriminately and unconditionally…and that their connections with the corps ministries become seamless to the point that they would become a type of corps in their own right.
…that we would have effective ministries to eradicate homelessness, human trafficking, prostitution and other indecencies currently common in our society.
…that our social programme strategy will be based upon the needs of people in the context of Biblical mandate, not necessarily the offerings of government contracts.
…that headquarters support units would be understood as such, not diminishing their purposes for accountability, but wholly in the context of authentic support and encouragement.
…that programmes such as Salvo Stores and Employment plus would also become saving stations for the lost and fully integrated into the mission of the territory.
…that Salvo Stores and the Trade become responsible outlets for Fair Trade goods.
…that our commercial department at THQ become a resource and focal point for facilitating our increasing efforts in Fair Trade.
…that the Family Tracing Service be expanded to find those souls who have been lost to the Army, assisting in bringing them home, where they belong.
…that we would never have another day in our existence where someone was not brought to Christ.
…that our soldiers roll would only be an increasing reality as would our worship and discipleship meetings.
…that the proliferation of new ministry openings would be so common and normal that we would have to appoint personnel just to keep track of it, most often after the fact.
…that those gifted with creative ministry gifts would have every opportunity to employ these very skills in the work of the Army.
…that our worship would be filled with creative means to celebrate God’s provisions and presence among us.
…that our 24/7 Prayer Initiatives will be adopted by individual corps throughout the territory all the time.
…that we would establish Lighthouses of Prayer to cover our neighbourhoods with grace.
…that we would have numerous prayer destinations where people could go for prayer retreats, learning opportunities and resources.
…that our systems would be less restrictive and more imaginative to accommodate the new things God wants to do among us.
…that as a movement, we would be marked by holiness in corporate and individual praxis.
…that there would be such an out pouring of the Spirit upon us that we would be courageous and effective witnesses in our families, communities, cities, Australia and the world.
…that our compassion would be large enough to be understood as authentically global throughout what we do at home and abroad.
…that our people would be quick to respond to the voice of God for whatever He calls them to.
…that our officer training programmes would be taxed by the unusual response of the called to serve as officers in TSA.
…that our local officers would be so empowered to understand their foundational role in the corps ministries and fully embrace the priesthood of all believers.
…that our women would have appointments and responsibilities commensurate with their gifts, abilities and experience.
…that our young people would be filled with the Spirit and recognised as contributors in the fight.
…that our children would be welcomed as authentic soldiers with proper opportunities to celebrate the presence of Christ in their lives and in their environments.
…that an extraordinary forgiveness and healing of past sins and hurts would prevail upon all people victimised by our practises or inattention.
…that God would see that we love Him supremely through Christ and that our reliance on the Holy Spirit completes His hope in us.
…that God would see that we love Him absolutely and are expressing our love for Him by our active love for others.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Fight or flight
It's often good to reassess what we are committed to. There are some things that we will stand up for. There are some things we will fight for. What is it that you are passionate about? Post me now!!
Is this just our past? OR is this your future... and mine?
Is this just our past? OR is this your future... and mine?
Monday, September 24, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Revenge of Carnation Boy
I was looking at youtube today and found this
Is this the weirdest grouping you have seen for a while?
An Ex Doug Anthony All Star, Bob Down's alter ego and Carnation Boy!!!!
This may be the unhloy trinity. LOL
For a cheesy song they make it fun.
Is this the weirdest grouping you have seen for a while?
An Ex Doug Anthony All Star, Bob Down's alter ego and Carnation Boy!!!!
This may be the unhloy trinity. LOL
For a cheesy song they make it fun.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Last week I had the great privilege of engaging in study. I am in the process of completing my Masters of Arts (Theology). At present I am having a fantastic time with the subject "Narrative and Theology in the gospel of Luke"
Now I know what you thinking..
That sounds hard... a lot of work... why bother?
Well yes, it is hard. It makes me think about God's word more and more. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it isn't good. I love delving deep into the word of God. The Gospel of Luke is a masterpiece. Jesus is caring, challenging and surprising. He is focused on offering life and hope to those who have not had it offered to them. That is hard but GREAT!!!
I have heard it said that the more you study the bible and it's corresponding theology then the more "dry" your spirituality becomes. I can say categorically that the reverse is true for me. The more I truly understand God's word and his intention for humanity then the more energised I become. The more passionate I am about my faith and my God. the more I want to see people saved and loving and serving Jesus. The more I want to immerse myself in His mission field, and the more I want the church to WAKE UP and take it's proper place in society.
Study is a wonderful thing. Without it we can be unprepared, for the task Jesus has for us.
If you get a chance to study God's word DO IT.
So want to know what Jesus mission is?
"For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." (Luke 19:10)
Now I know what you thinking..
That sounds hard... a lot of work... why bother?
Well yes, it is hard. It makes me think about God's word more and more. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it isn't good. I love delving deep into the word of God. The Gospel of Luke is a masterpiece. Jesus is caring, challenging and surprising. He is focused on offering life and hope to those who have not had it offered to them. That is hard but GREAT!!!
I have heard it said that the more you study the bible and it's corresponding theology then the more "dry" your spirituality becomes. I can say categorically that the reverse is true for me. The more I truly understand God's word and his intention for humanity then the more energised I become. The more passionate I am about my faith and my God. the more I want to see people saved and loving and serving Jesus. The more I want to immerse myself in His mission field, and the more I want the church to WAKE UP and take it's proper place in society.
Study is a wonderful thing. Without it we can be unprepared, for the task Jesus has for us.
If you get a chance to study God's word DO IT.
So want to know what Jesus mission is?
"For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." (Luke 19:10)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Night Worship
I have just finished a wonderful time of prayer and worship with a young family who has recently joined our church. He was born in Nigeria and she was born in China and now they are Australians but more importantly they are proud and passionate Christians. Hallelujah!!
We spent time sharing our faith journey and then had a wonderful time of prayer. We only have one evening service a month, and tonight the Holy Spirit did His thang in a big way. Praise God for his multicultural blessings.
1 Praise the LORD, all you servants of the LORD who minister by night in the house of the LORD.
2 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the LORD.
3 May the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth, bless you from Zion.
2 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the LORD.
3 May the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth, bless you from Zion.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Launch Band
On Sunday we were priveledged to have the Launch band come and minister to us at Pakenham. These bunch of passionate young people led us in a wonderful time of worship. It was clear to all who attended that God is at work in and through Launch. In the service there was joyous singing, good teaching, repentant hearts, people seeking connection with Jesus and a story about... UNDERPANTS.
Thank you Perri, Emma, Andrew, Johnno and all of the Launch Band.
God refreshes those who seek him!!
We were refreshed
Hebrews 10:22a (New International Version)
22let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith,
Thank you Perri, Emma, Andrew, Johnno and all of the Launch Band.
God refreshes those who seek him!!
We were refreshed
Hebrews 10:22a (New International Version)
22let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith,
Monday, June 25, 2007
Positively Wonderful
This Sunday I had the privilege to present a certificate of completion to one of our folk who had gone through the "Positive Lifestyle Programme". She has come along way and has blossomed into a wonderful person who loves Jesus and her family. God has a wonderful plan for this lady.
The Positive Lifestyle Programme (or PLP for short) is a 10 week program that helps people develop their life skills. the programme covers
1. Self Awareness
2. Anger
3. Depression
4. Stress
5. Loneliness
6. Grief & Loss
7. Creative Problem Solving
8. Assertiveness
9. Self Esteem
10. Goal Setting
It is by no means an easy course and each person only gets out of it what they put in.
Aren't YOU worth the effort?
Well Done Tania!!
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Purpose of Sunday
Sunday is a great day.
It's a time when the church comes together to worship our wonderful God.
It is also a time to recieve refreshment for the journey.
It is also a time to fellowship with other christians.
It is also a time to hear from God through His word.
It is also a time to welcome new people.
It is also a time to be trained for service.
It is also a time to serve.
It is also a time to be with God
In our busy world we seek to do much on Sunday.
Exodus 20: 8 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
It's a time when the church comes together to worship our wonderful God.
It is also a time to recieve refreshment for the journey.
It is also a time to fellowship with other christians.
It is also a time to hear from God through His word.
It is also a time to welcome new people.
It is also a time to be trained for service.
It is also a time to serve.
It is also a time to be with God
In our busy world we seek to do much on Sunday.
Exodus 20: 8 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Potential Planters Conference
So i've just got back from an amazing weekend. I went down to the Geelong Conference Centre with one of my Corps leaders (G'day Ron) to attend the Potential Planters Conference. It was a time to hear from those within the Australian Southern Salvation Army world about planting new Corps, new congregations and new communities for Jesus. I had been a bit weary because of my own journey, but this was just the tonic I needed. I was able to spend some different time with God, as well as be inspired and challenged about the opportinities of planting.
I love God.
He knows what to do at just the right time!!
I come away from the conference with fresh insight and plenty of challenge to the task he has called me to. I want to thank Maj Winsome Merritt and her team for the work they put in, but most of all i want to thank God.
Isaiah 43:19
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
I love God.
He knows what to do at just the right time!!
I come away from the conference with fresh insight and plenty of challenge to the task he has called me to. I want to thank Maj Winsome Merritt and her team for the work they put in, but most of all i want to thank God.
Isaiah 43:19
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.
Monday, February 26, 2007
been away a while
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy New Year
New Year is my wife's birthday.
The amazing thing is she gets more beautiful every year.
This year she begins in earnest her role as external lecturer at The Salvation Army Training College. this is something that she has felt called to do since she recieved her Call. She has such a passion for God's word and wants everyone to know and love it as much as she does.
The amazing thing is she gets more beautiful every year.
This year she begins in earnest her role as external lecturer at The Salvation Army Training College. this is something that she has felt called to do since she recieved her Call. She has such a passion for God's word and wants everyone to know and love it as much as she does.
Her passion and enthusiasm are only two reasons for why she is wonderful to me.
I'm one lucky guy. God & Cath & a wonderful son
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