Monday, June 04, 2007

Potential Planters Conference

So i've just got back from an amazing weekend. I went down to the Geelong Conference Centre with one of my Corps leaders (G'day Ron) to attend the Potential Planters Conference. It was a time to hear from those within the Australian Southern Salvation Army world about planting new Corps, new congregations and new communities for Jesus. I had been a bit weary because of my own journey, but this was just the tonic I needed. I was able to spend some different time with God, as well as be inspired and challenged about the opportinities of planting.

I love God.
He knows what to do at just the right time!!

I come away from the conference with fresh insight and plenty of challenge to the task he has called me to. I want to thank Maj Winsome Merritt and her team for the work they put in, but most of all i want to thank God.

Isaiah 43:19
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.


Peter Anderson said...


Here's the promised comment. I'm really glad that you've chosen to update your blog. It was great to share with you at Officers' Fellowship.

May God keep using you to win Pakenham for Him.


Brian's Blog said...

Welcome back.

Looking forward to your continued journey updates.
