Catherine & I have been appointed to Melbourne Central Division. on Jan 14 we will take up our appointment as Divisional Youth Officers. We are excited about the team which we will become a part of.
It is an interesting time of transition, because we are both sad to leave Pakenham, while also being excited about ministering to young people and youth leaders.
There is much to pray for at this time of life. From our current appointment to the future appointment, to the transition of our boy. We are relying ever more on Jesus for sustaining and keeping graces.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Busy Busy
So I have been busy this week.
Cath & I went to Geelong for our 5 year review. Much happened within me. It was good. God did His thing. I missed home. Wanna know more? Send me an email.
Tonight I went to Warragul Corps for M08. This is where our divisional leaders Majors Ron & Robyn Clinch share all of the good things that God is doing in our Division.
Tomorrow we share around The Word as Brother Scott Johnston expounds selected passages in John 3 & 4. It will be good.
Life stays busy yet God strengthens us daily
Cath & I went to Geelong for our 5 year review. Much happened within me. It was good. God did His thing. I missed home. Wanna know more? Send me an email.
Tonight I went to Warragul Corps for M08. This is where our divisional leaders Majors Ron & Robyn Clinch share all of the good things that God is doing in our Division.
Tomorrow we share around The Word as Brother Scott Johnston expounds selected passages in John 3 & 4. It will be good.
Life stays busy yet God strengthens us daily
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Let's do our bit for Myanmar
Here is the copy of a blog from Tim Lynn. Please read then pray.
The Salvation Army
Singapore, Malaysia & MyanmarTerritorial Headquarters
Dear friends
Many of you will be aware from news reports over the weekend about the devastating cyclone which has struck a large part of the country of Myanmar. We have been concerned about the destruction of property and the loss of life and the large numbers of people who have been made homeless as a result of this severe storm. It is unusual for such storms to affect Myanmar and many of the houses and buildings are not built to withstand such forceful winds etc.
I have been unable to contact our Regional Headquarters due to the fact that most phone lines are down. However this morning, Major James Aaron, the Regional Officer was able to make a telephone call to me from an outside call box. The major reports some damage to Salvation Army properties in Yangon. The roof of the RHQ and Central Corps building has been completely removed by the force of the wind. This means that there has been significant water damage inside the RHQ and the Central Corps which is located on the ground floor below. As a result of this, equipment and furniture is being relocated to the new Yangon Boys Home and RHQ is setting up operations in some of the new classrooms in this building. The officers quarters building at RHQ which adjoins the corps and office building has not been damaged and so this means that the officers can remain in their present accommodation.
Major James also reports that some roof sheeting on the new Yangon Boys Home has been removed though most of the home remains secure. At the Yangon Girls Home, the main damage has been to the roof of the food storage area which is meant that many bags of rice in storage have been affected by rainwater. In typical Salvation Army fashion, our comrades in Yangon are going to immediately to use this rice to cook meals and distribute these to needy families.
At present, Major James is unable to contact most officers in the central Myanmar area which will have been affected to some degree by this storm. It is likely that some of the towns where The Salvation Army operates have been affected although they are not in the most seriously affected area.
It is uncertain at this stage as to what relief work The Salvation Army will be able to be engaged in as in the country of Myanmar, it is difficult to move in to areas without the permission of the government. Major James and his team are assessing the situation and will be providing me with regular update reports and any request for assistance that might be appropriate.
I know that you will all want to keep the people of Myanmar and our Salvationist comrades in your prayers at this time. We are saddened that many have lost their lives and that others now find that what little they have has been totally destroyed.
I will update you on the situation should any more information come to hand which would help us to keep informed about this matter.
David Bringans
Please pray for Myanmar ~ that the government will allow foreign aid to come in and provide much-needed relief and reconstruction programmes.
Pray for our officers, salvationists and people of Myanmar as they struggle to cope with what has happened.
The Salvation Army
Singapore, Malaysia & MyanmarTerritorial Headquarters
Dear friends
Many of you will be aware from news reports over the weekend about the devastating cyclone which has struck a large part of the country of Myanmar. We have been concerned about the destruction of property and the loss of life and the large numbers of people who have been made homeless as a result of this severe storm. It is unusual for such storms to affect Myanmar and many of the houses and buildings are not built to withstand such forceful winds etc.
I have been unable to contact our Regional Headquarters due to the fact that most phone lines are down. However this morning, Major James Aaron, the Regional Officer was able to make a telephone call to me from an outside call box. The major reports some damage to Salvation Army properties in Yangon. The roof of the RHQ and Central Corps building has been completely removed by the force of the wind. This means that there has been significant water damage inside the RHQ and the Central Corps which is located on the ground floor below. As a result of this, equipment and furniture is being relocated to the new Yangon Boys Home and RHQ is setting up operations in some of the new classrooms in this building. The officers quarters building at RHQ which adjoins the corps and office building has not been damaged and so this means that the officers can remain in their present accommodation.
Major James also reports that some roof sheeting on the new Yangon Boys Home has been removed though most of the home remains secure. At the Yangon Girls Home, the main damage has been to the roof of the food storage area which is meant that many bags of rice in storage have been affected by rainwater. In typical Salvation Army fashion, our comrades in Yangon are going to immediately to use this rice to cook meals and distribute these to needy families.
At present, Major James is unable to contact most officers in the central Myanmar area which will have been affected to some degree by this storm. It is likely that some of the towns where The Salvation Army operates have been affected although they are not in the most seriously affected area.
It is uncertain at this stage as to what relief work The Salvation Army will be able to be engaged in as in the country of Myanmar, it is difficult to move in to areas without the permission of the government. Major James and his team are assessing the situation and will be providing me with regular update reports and any request for assistance that might be appropriate.
I know that you will all want to keep the people of Myanmar and our Salvationist comrades in your prayers at this time. We are saddened that many have lost their lives and that others now find that what little they have has been totally destroyed.
I will update you on the situation should any more information come to hand which would help us to keep informed about this matter.
David Bringans
Please pray for Myanmar ~ that the government will allow foreign aid to come in and provide much-needed relief and reconstruction programmes.
Pray for our officers, salvationists and people of Myanmar as they struggle to cope with what has happened.
For David
There is a fellow who travels around the salvo "blog world" who goes by the name of David. He asks questions and provokes both emotion and discussion. He does not appear to believe what many salvationists believe, yet he still asks the hard questions
In chatting to some friends about him I have seen mixed reactions. Some people want to engage him in discussion and show him how he is wrong. Some people want him to "play nice" on our turf. Others want to use the bible to "proof text" so as to show him the error of his ways and bring him into the fold. Only one blogger I have seen has tried to answer his questions with a spirit of truth and respect for both David and the blogger.
I feel sad that this is how we seem to represent ourselves to someone clearly on the margins of salvationist society. I feel sad that the love that Jesus calls us to show is actually so hard to show. (and in this I include myself).
I came across this quote from Archbishop Oscar Romero. It challenged me. I hope you are challenged too!
"Do you want to know if your Christianity is genuine? Here is the touchstone:
Whom do you get along with?
Who are those who criticize you?
Who are those who do not accept you?
Who are those who flatter you?" (November 1977 Sermon.)
In chatting to some friends about him I have seen mixed reactions. Some people want to engage him in discussion and show him how he is wrong. Some people want him to "play nice" on our turf. Others want to use the bible to "proof text" so as to show him the error of his ways and bring him into the fold. Only one blogger I have seen has tried to answer his questions with a spirit of truth and respect for both David and the blogger.
I feel sad that this is how we seem to represent ourselves to someone clearly on the margins of salvationist society. I feel sad that the love that Jesus calls us to show is actually so hard to show. (and in this I include myself).
I came across this quote from Archbishop Oscar Romero. It challenged me. I hope you are challenged too!
"Do you want to know if your Christianity is genuine? Here is the touchstone:
Whom do you get along with?
Who are those who criticize you?
Who are those who do not accept you?
Who are those who flatter you?" (November 1977 Sermon.)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
A Great Heritage
Here is a terrific post from my Father-in-law. I am part of a wonderful extended family.

A WWI Anniversary
Today, 30th April 2008, is the 90th anniversary of the wounding of my wife's paternal great- grandfather on the Western Front.My grandfather was born 8th January, 1896, in Broadford, Victoria (Australia) where he grew up. He did not speak much about his youth. We can imagine him as a boy and young man living a peaceful life in a small country town in Victoria, Australia. The seminal experience for him and all people of his generation was the outbreak of War in 1914.
When Britain declared war on Germany the Labor Australian Prime Minister, Andrew Fisher, pledged that Australia would "stand beside the mother country to help and defend her to the last man and the last shilling." It was natural that grandfather was enthusiastic to enlist.
The photograph was taken before he left for Europe.
Today, 30th April 2008, is the 90th anniversary of the wounding of my wife's paternal great- grandfather on the Western Front.My grandfather was born 8th January, 1896, in Broadford, Victoria (Australia) where he grew up. He did not speak much about his youth. We can imagine him as a boy and young man living a peaceful life in a small country town in Victoria, Australia. The seminal experience for him and all people of his generation was the outbreak of War in 1914.
When Britain declared war on Germany the Labor Australian Prime Minister, Andrew Fisher, pledged that Australia would "stand beside the mother country to help and defend her to the last man and the last shilling." It was natural that grandfather was enthusiastic to enlist.
The photograph was taken before he left for Europe.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Tonight the ABC aired the documentary on the OASIS youth hostel in Sydney.
What a powerful and confronting piece of film making.
For me it raised just as many questions as it answered. I watched with an officer friend of mine who works in a similar field. His work is just as challenging. I honour the work of those in the social sector.
This doco should be mandatory viewing for all year 12 students as well as Salvation Army College Cadets.
Lord, Strengthen Capts Paul & Robbin Moulds and all who work in the social sector.
Give our Governments Wisdom, Vision, and a compassion for the least, last & lost.
Help me to walk with those on difficult journeys.
Like I said more questions than answers.
PS : Interesting this was shown on Founders Day
Saturday, April 05, 2008
And Prayer
In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps:
collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; AND PRAYER
negotiation; AND PRAYER
self purification; AND PRAYER
and direct action. AND PRAYER
Thanks MLK Jr
collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; AND PRAYER
negotiation; AND PRAYER
self purification; AND PRAYER
and direct action. AND PRAYER
Thanks MLK Jr
2 Things
Two things I know for certain;
1. There is a God.
2. You and I are not Him.
Recently someone I knew from my youth, passed away. It made me pause because he was young and with his wife have a young child. This was sad to say the least. He had his health, his family who loved him, a good job and opportunities for the future and he had Jesus as his friend, LORD and saviour.
This has made others sad and raise the question of resurrection. Similarly in a blog I read recently, the author speaks of a young person asked for pray requests and the young persons response was " That God will raise someone from the dead." Interestingly it seems neither of these people sought God's good and perfect will. It appeared to be just what they wanted. I understand that this response is one based in grief & loss.
Now don't get me wrong, if it is God's will for people to be raised from the dead then I'm all for it. However in my sadness about my friend, I would rather that God's will be done and that we have the grace and mercy to trust Him in this.
I find some consolation in the bible and so I seek Jesus in John 11:25 - 27. The additions in red are my thoughts.
John 11:25-27 (NRSV)
25 Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die physically, will live spiritually,
26 and everyone who lives spiritually & physically and believes in me will never die spiritually. Do you believe this?’
27She said to him, ‘Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one coming into the world.’
See Martha's response? It's not one of wanting her own will but rather she sees Jesus for who He is. She makes a response of faith & trust. She lets God be God, even in her own pain.
So in my pain and confusion I want what God wants, even if I don't fully understand what or why He is allowing it. Like Martha I say ‘Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one coming into the world.’
In short I am left knowing two things;
1. There is a God
2. You and I are not Him.
1. There is a God.
2. You and I are not Him.
Recently someone I knew from my youth, passed away. It made me pause because he was young and with his wife have a young child. This was sad to say the least. He had his health, his family who loved him, a good job and opportunities for the future and he had Jesus as his friend, LORD and saviour.
This has made others sad and raise the question of resurrection. Similarly in a blog I read recently, the author speaks of a young person asked for pray requests and the young persons response was " That God will raise someone from the dead." Interestingly it seems neither of these people sought God's good and perfect will. It appeared to be just what they wanted. I understand that this response is one based in grief & loss.
Now don't get me wrong, if it is God's will for people to be raised from the dead then I'm all for it. However in my sadness about my friend, I would rather that God's will be done and that we have the grace and mercy to trust Him in this.
I find some consolation in the bible and so I seek Jesus in John 11:25 - 27. The additions in red are my thoughts.
John 11:25-27 (NRSV)
25 Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die physically, will live spiritually,
26 and everyone who lives spiritually & physically and believes in me will never die spiritually. Do you believe this?’
27She said to him, ‘Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one coming into the world.’
See Martha's response? It's not one of wanting her own will but rather she sees Jesus for who He is. She makes a response of faith & trust. She lets God be God, even in her own pain.
So in my pain and confusion I want what God wants, even if I don't fully understand what or why He is allowing it. Like Martha I say ‘Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one coming into the world.’
In short I am left knowing two things;
1. There is a God
2. You and I are not Him.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Leaders are best
When people barely know that they exist,
Not so good when people obey and acclaim them,
Worst when they despise them.
"Fail to honour people, they fail to honour you;"
But of good leaders, who talk little,
When their work is done, their aims fulfilled,
The people will say, "We did this ourselves."
- Lao Tzu (edited)
- Lao Tzu (edited)
Today much is said on leadership.
Lao Tzu was a wise and proven leader.
Is he talking of servant leadership?
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is upon us. This is the time when we;
1. Begin Holy Week &
2. Celebrate the time Jesus entered into Jeusalem.
The people were expecting the messiah to come and restore Israel to it's former glory. But Jesus came to bring God's kingdom.
It is interesting today that we still expect Jesus to bring about "our" goals and provisions. Still today He calls people to enter into "the Kingdom of God". The paradox is that it is more ellusive yet more substantial.
I hope you are challenged. Peace on earth!
Palm Sunday is upon us. This is the time when we;
1. Begin Holy Week &
2. Celebrate the time Jesus entered into Jeusalem.
The people were expecting the messiah to come and restore Israel to it's former glory. But Jesus came to bring God's kingdom.
It is interesting today that we still expect Jesus to bring about "our" goals and provisions. Still today He calls people to enter into "the Kingdom of God". The paradox is that it is more ellusive yet more substantial.
I hope you are challenged. Peace on earth!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Lent or borrowed?

In this season on lent, as we preare for easter, there is much to be thankful for.
Today is Labour Day when we remember that a 8hr working day was won for the rights of workers.
As Christians we remember that work is a gift of God. Even the gift of work has blessings. Accomplishments, Contributions, Participations, Engagements. ETC.
We are given time every day to make a difference for the good.
So tomorrow, as you head off to the office, or the factory, or wherever you work, remember to use the gift that God has given you for His glory.
You spend 8 hours there so you may as well make it a great 8 hours.
Love life!! Love work!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008
A Breakthrough
The end of this week has been very difficult for me. I had a person who I believed to be close to me judge me harshly and assign motives to some of my actions that was both more about them than me and also left me in a position of some angst.
The upshot of this was I went to some friends whom I trusted and was able to work out some of the issues and pain. In the discussion I was able to reflect on what drove me, really drove me. Also I had the chance to work out what I want in my relationships. In the end what I had come up with was the fact that I had work out what my life's mission statement was. Here it is;
It is as simple and as complex as that.
So want to know me? I want to be known!
Dont assume or assign "stuff" to me.
Rather ask me questions, directly and honestly. Accept my answers, directly and honestly.
I want to know you more and more. So let me speak to you and ask you about you, but tell me the truth.
I want to know God more and more. Lord God give me the courage and the grace to come and be me in front of you and let you are you in front of me.
So let me begin...
My name is Christopher (not Chris).
Here is a start!!
The upshot of this was I went to some friends whom I trusted and was able to work out some of the issues and pain. In the discussion I was able to reflect on what drove me, really drove me. Also I had the chance to work out what I want in my relationships. In the end what I had come up with was the fact that I had work out what my life's mission statement was. Here it is;
It is as simple and as complex as that.
So want to know me? I want to be known!
Dont assume or assign "stuff" to me.
Rather ask me questions, directly and honestly. Accept my answers, directly and honestly.
I want to know you more and more. So let me speak to you and ask you about you, but tell me the truth.
I want to know God more and more. Lord God give me the courage and the grace to come and be me in front of you and let you are you in front of me.
So let me begin...
My name is Christopher (not Chris).
Here is a start!!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
We give... They live.
It is nearly that time of year again for those who are salvationists. It is the time to think about Self Denial. For many in corps this is a time to se a nice video and hear about the "Poor People" that we help. BUT... for some it is a call to arms. It is simply this WE GIVE...THEY LIVE
If we dont take this opportunity seriously then..
Kids will Die for lack of food and water
Young people will be forced to sell their bodies
Old people will have no place to sleep and so will end up on the streets.
Mothers will be bound to low paying jobs for next to no money just to keep feeding their families.
Fathers and young men will be forced to join unjust militia groups so as not to have their families harmed.
And so it goes on.
It's Simple. We in the rich "west" can and must make a difference.
If we dont take this opportunity seriously then..
Kids will Die for lack of food and water
Young people will be forced to sell their bodies
Old people will have no place to sleep and so will end up on the streets.
Mothers will be bound to low paying jobs for next to no money just to keep feeding their families.
Fathers and young men will be forced to join unjust militia groups so as not to have their families harmed.
And so it goes on.
It's Simple. We in the rich "west" can and must make a difference.
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