There is a fellow who travels around the salvo "blog world" who goes by the name of David. He asks questions and provokes both emotion and discussion. He does not appear to believe what many salvationists believe, yet he still asks the hard questions
In chatting to some friends about him I have seen mixed reactions. Some people want to engage him in discussion and show him how he is wrong. Some people want him to "play nice" on our turf. Others want to use the bible to "proof text" so as to show him the error of his ways and bring him into the fold. Only one blogger I have seen has tried to answer his questions with a spirit of truth and respect for both David and the blogger.
I feel sad that this is how we seem to represent ourselves to someone clearly on the margins of salvationist society. I feel sad that the love that Jesus calls us to show is actually so hard to show. (and in this I include myself).
I came across this quote from Archbishop Oscar Romero. It challenged me. I hope you are challenged too!
"Do you want to know if your Christianity is genuine? Here is the touchstone:
Whom do you get along with?
Who are those who criticize you?
Who are those who do not accept you?
Who are those who flatter you?" (November 1977 Sermon.)
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