Friday, December 15, 2006

Spiritual warfare vid

ive just saw this fantastic vid

hope you enjoy it

The early fighting spirit of the Army is inspirational to me. At christmas time there are many people who will be enticed to believe the prevelant world view. This speaks of having and getting for yourself. It puts "me" first and everyone else last. These are not values in God's Kingdom

The early Army were fully committed to the idea of self sacrifice for the sake of the lost and the gospel. This world view sees the value of all people, because they are made in the image of God.

Lets be God People
Doing God's things
In God's way
In God's time.

This Christmas lets be Kingdom people .

1 comment:

james said...

Great video! Ive been praying that we'll be a blood and fire army again!

Only thing I didnt like was the new slogan, "Doing the most good!" I much prefer heart to God hand to man... Ahwell, God is doing the most good!