Friday, September 22, 2006

Chick Yuill be leaving now

Well what an Army world we live in!
i never thought i would see the day where a man like Chick yuill would feled forced to leave the army. Here is a speaker with God's blessing. He has been a prophet to our oganisation for a number of years. It means we live in interesting times when a leader cant speak their mind on issues of leadership and the future of the organisatiopn without the fear of reprisals. I have heard in recent days that Chick has been negative in his speaking without offerine hope. All that i have read & heard of Chick Yuill has been very challenging and yes, sometimes it has been sad to hear the way he believes our movement has gone. But for goodness sakes.... how many time have the officers and soldiery of the army done just the same thing without having the guts to say it publically. Chick speaks the words that are there but he does it in the context of Jesus. he always points to Our Lord. if this is not offering hope then i dont know what is.

God bless you Chick!!
thanks for all you said & did

PS. heads down

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Ive just had one of my corps people ask me "If Isaiah 53 was written about Jesus... then why was it written in the past tense"

This is a good question. I wish all of my folk would read the bible with the same questioning openness"

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Family

My first Blog

Well Ive done it!

Here is my first blog!

So Hi My name is Chris. I am a Salvation Army officer. With my wife and son we are serving God in Pakenham Victoria, Australia.

This space will be the rantings of someone wholoves God, Family, life and all things fun!!

I will try to come back often... and i hope you do too

God Bless