Sunday, January 02, 2011

The King's Speech

Yesterday, Catherine & I saw a wonderful movie. It was "The King's Speech".

It tells the story of King George VI. He never expected to take the throne.He never expected to speak to and for a nation in wartime. Yet he did both of these while overcoming a debilitating stammer.

The movie had nuanced performances from a number of great actors. Colin Firth showed strength, determination and pathos as "Bertie" King George VI. Helena Bonham-Carter was a loving and determined Queen Consort Elizabeth. Geoffrey Rush played Australian speech therapist Lionel Logue. His performance is honest with gentile humour. Other notable faces are Micael Gambon as George V, Guy Pearce as Edward VIII & Derek Jacobi as the Archbishop of Canterbury.

"The King's Speech" has already won a number of awards, and I look forward to seeing how many Oscars it will pick up. From the costumes to the direction this is a beautiful gentle yet strong movie. It shows the real value of truth and friendship

Below is a recording of the real King George VI giving THE speech in 1939. We heard his perseverance and his hesitation all at once. His sense of duty & sacrifice makes his daughter's (called Lilbet by her family) actions more clear.

1 comment:

Brad said...

Thanks for the review. We've been talking about going and seeing it.